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Data Structure & Algorithm with C Programming Language

What is Data Structure ?

To simply put, data structure is an orderly arrangement of data in computers to use it in a more efficient manner. It is a collection of data objects that allows storing, organizing, and retrieving data on systems.

A majority of data structures are inspired from real life scenarios. For instance, have you been scolded by your parents for not being able to find a particular outfit in your messy wardrobe? Yes, right? Your parents give the advice to keep your clothes in a systematic manner so the next time you want something you can easily pick it up. In this situation, you need to arrange & keep your clothes (data) in such a structure that when searching for a particular thing you don’t have to hassle much.

We are using data structures in our everyday lives without even knowing it. From our contact list, book piles to organizing hierarchy or to-do list, we are applying different arrangement techniques which are called as data structures in the computing realm. Data structure provides the right way to organize information in the digital space.

The data structure is a key component of Computer Science and is largely used in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, operating systems, graphics, etc.

Data structures store objects and allow their manipulation on the basis of two different types:


What is an Algorithm ?

Algorithm refers to a set of steps used in completing a certain task or to get a desired output. It is like building blocks for programming that allows smartphones, computers or websites to function smoothly and make decisions. Each code written by a programmer is a collective formation of algorithms navigating what to do. Algorithms are well-defined procedures that help computers to solve problems.

Let’s take a simple example of GPS. When you search a location, GPS uses an algorithm to search for multiple available routes, also for checking the current traffic GPS uses a different algorithm, based on the collective information it provides the best available route for you. All these algorithms are in-built   into the GPS’ code. So, if there is any error in the code of GPS, it won’t function correctly, thus provide incorrect direction. Computers use algorithms to calculate things much faster than the humans.


What is relationship between Data Structures and Algorithm ?

Both Data structures and algorithms are interrelated and complement each other. An algorithm applies to a particular data structure, while using the right data structure helps to drastically improve the performance of an algorithm. Hence, we can’t detach data structures and algorithms.

Following are the main categories of algorithms in relation to data structures:


Why importance to learn Data Structures and Algorithms ?

Data structures and algorithms are the most pivotal topics for programmers and Computer Science graduates, to get a job & perform well in it. Here are some considerable reasons to learn data structures and algorithms:


What are topics to Data Structures and Algorithm learn for Competitive Programming ?

Data structure and algorithm is a vast subject altogether, however there are some key topics you must prepare before going for an interview:


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Conclusion Of Data Structure & Algorithm

The technology will only be going to become better at what it does as long as programming & coding continues to flourish. Therefore, the importance of data structures and algorithms will remain persistence for the functioning of technologies, navigating what they do & how they do it.